Our most popular midwifery pocket sized DataCards, complete with pocket lanyard attachment, comprise 26 double sided plastic cards which are durable and interchangeable to keep you constantly up to date.
- Weight Conversions
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Metric Conversions
- Drug and drip rate calculations
- Clinical chemistry values
- Haematology values
- Vacutainer System
- S-monovette Guide
- Ante-natal care - Routine Assessment
- Fundal Height Measurement
- Abdominal Palpation
- Fetal heart sound positions
- Descent of Fetal head
- Ante-natal Call Out
- Domestic violence in pregnancy
- Basic observations in labour
- Vaginal Examination
- Bishop Scoring
- Assessing station of presenting part
- Cervical effacement & dilation
- Defining fetal position on VE
- Fetal Blood Samples. Incl. mnemonic
- Apgar Score
- Oxytocin Infusion
- Syntocinon Infusion
- Group B Strep Protocol
- Management of Diabetic Women in Labour
- Post - delivery care
- Breastfeeding
- Post -natal Discharge Requirements