Our unique pocket sized DataCards, complete with pocket lanyard attachment, comprise 25 double sized plastic cards which are durable and interchangeable to keep you constantly up to date.
Paediatric Card Contents:
- A comprehensive range of charts, algorithms and clinical assessment guides.
- Formulas re: weight, size of ET tube etc.
- A guide to effects of street drugs
- Resuscitation/advanced paediatric resus
- Paracetamol overdose
- Phone numbers for poisons units for all UK Children's Hospitals
- Burns assessment & scoring
Full Card Contents:
- Neonatal / Heart Rates in Children
- Normal Respiratory Rates in Children
- Normal Blood Pressures in Children
- Classification of Hypertension by Age-group
- Approximate Weight Conversion
- Maintenance Fluid Requirements in Children
- Calculation of Body Mass Index
- Body Weight Hourly Maintenance Formula
- Metric Conversions
- Drug Calculations Paediatric
- Routine Childhood Immunisations
- Microtainer Tube Guide
- Vacutainer System Tube Guide
- Clinical Chemistry Normal Range
- Normal Ranges : Haematology
- Paracetamol Overdose : Treatment levels
- Paracetamol Overdose : Liver necrosis
- Time reaction & effects of street drugs
- Assessment of pain in Children
- Algorithm for treatment of acute pain in children
- Warning signs of Child Abuse
- Burns Assessment for accurate assessment
- Lund and Browder Chart
- Common post-operative problems
- Complications of Intravenous Therapy
- Waterlow Score : Risk Assessment Tool
- Waterlow Score : Special Risk Factors
- Glasgow Coma Scale Scoring
- Glasgow Coma Scale Explained
- Anaphylactic Reaction : CHECK
- Anaphylactic Response
- Anaphylactic Treatment
- Trauma Scoring
- Paediatric Basic Life Support
- Paediatric Advanced Life Support
- Paediatric Resuscitation Chart
- Paediatric Resuscitation Drugs
- Telephone Numbers : Medicines Information centres